We are a community of AI optimists committed to exploring—mindfully— the power of generative AI to unlock transformative opportunities for all.
Welcome to
the Salon
Generated AI Self Portraits by the AI Salon Community.
We convene everyday people to explore, create, collaborate, and inspire each other to learn out loud and discover the possibilities and opportunities of AI.
We gather novices, experts, and everyone in between, transparently sharing online and in person, because learning and creating together are the keys to our optimistic future.
We are respectful, inclusive, and kind. We value diverse perspectives, recognizing that our differences make us stronger. We acknowledge the efforts and successes of those around us. Humans matter. Mindfully Create.
We are eager to ask the obvious questions, learn new things, and experiment, experiment, experiment. Our relentless quest for adventure and exploration ignites our inner spark, transforming our curiosity into unexpected discoveries and newfound passions.
We have the courage to step into the unknown, taking bold actions in the face of fear and challenging ourselves to push the boundaries of what we thought possible. Let's face it together. With everything changing as fast as it is, we're all making this up as we go along.
We value creativity, joy, and the freedom to experiment. We Play First to transform learning, invite collaboration and develop new circles of trust. It’s in this play we start to understand where we find joy and meaning and where we want to deepen our knowledge.
We share our resources, feedback, and wisdom with others, and support each other's growth & development. Alone, we can't possibly keep up with the pace of everything. When something is obvious to you, it can be a profound revelation to someone else. Learn out loud. Share what you know. Generously Lead!